Explore and Be Inspired in an Exclusive Voyage through Brazil's Unique Natural & Cultural Wonders


This Trip's Photo Summary

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Hi there! I'm Fred, head of our team of Travel Experts. I would love to personally craft a customized itinerary for you.

If you're interested, I'd love to have a Zoom or Google Meet video call with you talk about Argentina, address any questions, and better understand your travel needs and preferences.

Please feel free to send me an email to set up a time that suits you best.

Also, if you'd like to hear what others have said about their experiences with me, please check out my profile here.

I'm looking forward to making your trip an unforgettable, worry-free, and first-class experience!

Your Itinerary at a Glance
(everything mentioned below is included in your trip price)

Trip start date: you can choose any starting date you want for your trip, because all our trips have private departures. That is, you won't be traveling as part of a group.


Trip Duration & lodging included:
13 days / 12 nights.
Lodging for 12 nights Included.


15 First‑class tours with the best tour guides included
(12 of them are private tours).
All necessary entrance fees to national parks included.


Includes all needed airport transfers detailed below
(all of them are private transfers).


12 breakfasts + 4 lunches + 6 dinners included in this trip.


4 Destinations included:

  • Icons Rio de Janeiro (Breathtaking landscapes & home to one of the "New 7 Wonders of the World"): 3 nights
  • Icons Fernando de Noronha (Exclusive haven for marine wildlife and home to the #1 beach in the world): 3 nights
  • Icons Salvador da Bahia (The heart & soul of Afro-Brazilian culture): 3 nights
  • Icons Amazon Rainforest (The most bio-diverse ecosystem on Earth, chosen as one of the "New 7 Wonders of Nature" by over 100 million voters): 3 nights - YOUR STAY HERE IS ALL-INCLUSIVE (breakfast, lunch and dinner included, with 2 non-alcoholic beverages per meal)
  • In the Amazon we have designed an exclusive and unique experience for our guests, including all private tours with a private guide just for yourself (as opposed to the group tours offered everywhere else). Besides covering all of the more iconic Amazonian experiences, we include an adventurous jungle hiking & exploration experience led by a team of former members of the Brazilian Military specialized in jungle rescue operations, who will introduce you to jungle survival techniques such as obtaining drinking water, making fire, differentiating edible plant species, setting up traps, building a shelter, and the Amazonian "peconha" technique to gather fruit from trees; to finally enjoy a jungle BBQ in the thick of the Amazon rainforest!
    Having considered all Amazon lodges in detail, we chose Amazon Ecopark Lodge as the best base for this program, because it's the only lodge where such a combination of private tours is possible. An added plus of Ecopark is that you won't need to waste precious vacation time by spending a night in the city of Manaus, as you'd need to do if you stayed at many other lodges.

Day-by-Day Itinerary

Rio de Janeiro


(staying for 3 nights, with 2 tours included)

Flight arrival in Rio de Janeiro. Welcome at the airport and transfer to hotel with private vehicle and guide.

Welcome to Brazil!
Depending on your arrival time, you can relax at your hotel, enjoy your own explorations, or ask our local representative about suggested activities for your free time.


The "Christ the redeemer" Statue, Tijuca Tropical Forest, Rio’s Historic Center and Off-the-Beaten-Path Explorations (private tour)

Get ready to marvel at the most important icon of Rio de Janeiro and one of the winners of the "New 7 Wonders of the World" worldwide competition, in which more than 100 million votes were cast: the Corcovado Mountain and its “Christ the Redeemer” statue. Our expert local guide will not only take you atop the Corcovado Mountain, where the colossal statue stands, but he’ll also help you discover the off-the beaten-path panoramic viewpoint “Dona Marta,” which most travelers do not get to see. This road less traveled offers amazing and unobstructed clear views to almost the entirety of the city (even on cloudy days when the views from the top of Corcovado Mountain are practically non-existent!).

We’ll also see the Tijuca Tropical Forest, one of the main reasons why Rio was designated a World Heritage Site by the United Nations. We’ll later visit Rio’s historic quarters and appreciate the urban beauty that has earned Rio the honor of having been declared the first World Capital of Architecture by the United Nations and the Council of the International Union of Architects, as a recognition to the architectural treasures that show the city’s culture and history since the 16th century. Our final experience as "Cariocas" (as locals from Rio are known) will be hopping aboard a "bondinho" (a very cute local tramway) that runs from the beautifully-preserved, historic neighborhood of Santa Teresa to the hip and bohemian Lapa neighborhood. This visit will include witnessing the largest sculpture in the world made by a single man, according to National Geographic: the Selaron Tiles staircase.

This is a full day private tour.


A Cable Car Ascent to the Sugarloaf Mountain and its Astounding Panoramic Views (private tour)

Get ready to behold some of the most eye-popping panoramic views of Rio de Janeiro, embarking on a ride in a cable car to the mountaintop of one of the city’s most recognized icons: Sugarloaf Mountain. This is one of the main highlights that made Rio de Janeiro the #1 destination in South America, as voted by millions of travelers on Trip Advisor in 2017. Once we reach the top of Mount Sugarloaf, we’ll feast our eyes upon a stunning 360-degree panoramic view, including Rio’s beaches, mountains, and the Tijuca forest (it’s the largest tropical forest in the world in an urban setting). Also, in a leisurely walk across the newly renovated Olympic Boulevard, we’ll see the largest graffiti on the planet, a colorful and detailed depiction of Brazilian faces. To top the day off, we’ll end this tour relaxing at Arpoador peninsula, a beach that boasts one of the best views of Rio’s beaches and coastline.

This is a half day private tour.


Transfer in private vehicle and guide to the airport.

Fernando de Noronha


(staying for 3 nights, with 3 tours included)

Flight arrival in Fernando de Noronha. Welcome at the airport and transfer to the lodge with private vehicle.

Depending on your arrival time, you can relax at your hotel, enjoy your own explorations, or ask our local representative about suggested activities for your free time.


Discovering the Best Beaches in the World and Snorkeling in a Unique Oasis for Marine Life (private tour)

Get ready to discover some of the best beaches in the world (including a visit to Baia do Sancho, voted as the #1 beach in the world by millions of voters on Trip Advisor’s worldwide contest in 2017, 2015 and 2014), swimming among a collection of multi-colored fish and sea turtles, enjoying breathtaking views, and witnessing a picture-perfect, orange and tangerine imbued sunset, as we visit these unique natural highlights of the exclusive island of Fernando de Noronha.

Fernando de Noronha has been declared Mankind’s Natural Heritage by UNESCO, serving as a unique oasis for marine life. Because it’s an equatorial island, Fernando de Noronha has some of the most stable temperatures in the world, staying at around 79F (29C) year round.

This is a full day group tour .

Before this tour you’ll be taken to pick up your snorkeling equipment (mask, fins and life vest), which you should keep for your other tour,


Navigating the beauty of Fernando de Noronha and Discovering its Unique Marine Wildlife

Prepare to enjoy a one-of-a-kind navigation experience to discover the beauty and underwater world of some of the most gorgeous spots of the Fernando de Noronha archipelago; including the Bahia do Sancho Beach, voted as the #1 beach in the world by millions of voters on Trip Advisor for 3 years. The Fernando de Noronha archipelago is made up of 21 beautiful, pristine volcanic islands on which no human visitor is allowed to set foot, in order to protect and preserve them. We’ll have the chance to see some of them from our boat.

During this navigational experience, we’ll likely have the opportunity to witness an impromptu acrobatics show by “Spinner Dolphins.” This particular species of dolphin is quite possibly the most acrobatic in the world, and it can only be found in the waters of Fernando de Noronha and Hawaii. These cute and playful mammals sometimes put on an acrobatic display of such dexterity, that they have been known to spin up to an impressive 7 times in a single jump!

This is a half day group tour, but you’ll have a private guide speaking your language just for you.

Serenity at Sunset: a Fernando de Noronha Boat Cruise

Immerse yourself in the warm tropical breeze, the lazy lapping of waves against the boat, and an awe-inspiring vision of the sun setting over the ocean, as we experience the breathtaking and picturesque vistas of the Fernando de Noronha archipelago, on a sunset boat cruise. You’ll enjoy a fish & meat barbecue on board. Also, you’ll have the option to “fly underwater” while grabbing a board towed by your boat. This is an awesome way to experience the island’s unique marine wildlife.

This is a 4-hour group tour (including transfers), but with your own private guide. The boat has a maximum capacity of 15 people.


Transfer with private vehicle to Fernando de Noronha airport.

Salvador da Bahia


(staying for 3 nights, with 3 tours included)

Flight arrival in Salvador de Bahia. Welcome at the airport and transfer to hotel with private vehicle and guide.

Depending on your arrival time, you can relax at your hotel, enjoy your own explorations, or ask our local representative about suggested activities for your free time.


Walking Tour with Local Community Members, and Preparing and Enjoying Lunch Together (private tour)

Visit a working-class neighborhood in Salvador to meet Brazilian homemakers of African descent, whose passion is sharing their culture and experience with their guests and teaching to cook Bahian specialties. Then you’ll enjoy together a home-made lunch (which you’ll help prepare) consisting of the signature Bahian dishes and desserts.

This is a half-day private tour and includes lunch without alcoholic beverages.

Exploring the Afro-Brazilian & Colonial Heritage of Salvador da Bahia: the Largest Slave Market Ever in the Americas (private tour)

The millions of slaves captured in Africa and brought to Brazil by the Portuguese brought with them a culture rich in music, dance, cuisine, and religion that’s still present and mainstream in Salvador da Bahia. This city was the epicenter of the largest slave market ever in the Americas, in fact, seven times more slaves were brought to Salvador alone than to the entire United States!
Get ready for a journey to Salvador’s historic center, declared a Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO, and let us help you discover the singular Afro-Brazilian and Portuguese heritages of Salvador da Bahia.

In this city, steeped in Afro-Brazilian, colonial and indigenous heritages, you’ll get to admire the greatest collection of Baroque architectural heritage in Latin America, the first urban elevator in the world, as well as appreciate the sight of multicolored colonial and baroque houses and mansions that make up the city’s historic center.

This is a half-day private tour.


A Colorful and Enchanting Evening of Afro-Brazilian, Indigenous and Popular Dance and Folklore

Behold a performance by the renowned Afro-Brazilian dance company: Bale Folclorico da Bahia, which has toured in more than 180 cities worldwide and has and has gained both local and international acclaim It has obtained the “Best Dance Company in Brazil” award by Fiat Industries and “Best Performance of the Year” award by the Brazilian Ministry of Culture.

With its mesmerizing choreography and feverish rhythms, complete with gorgeously elaborated costumes, the performance features the three cultural pillars of Bahian culture: the mystical religion of Candomble, the acrobatic Capoeira (a dance and martial art), and the colorful and rhythmic Samba dance.

We’ll be treated to diverse Afro-Brazilian dances that includes flips, spins, high back kicks, fast-paced rhythms, and the boundless energy of rapid-fire footwork.

This tour includes dinner without beverages and with private transfers.


Transfer with private vehicle to Salvador de Bahia airport.

Amazon Rainforest


(staying for 3 nights, with 8 tours included)

Flight arrival in Amazonas. Welcome at the airport and transfer with private vehicle and group boat to your lodge. The approximate total transfer time is 60 minutes (40 minutes by car and 20 by boat).

A Nighttime Canoeing Expedition in the Amazon (private tour)

It’s pitch black darkness in the Amazon Rainforest, as we’re embarked aboard a motorized canoe on an expedition to contemplate and listen to the myriad of sounds coming from the nocturnal creatures of the Amazon Rainforest. With many animals being nocturnal, the Amazon Rainforest comes alive at night, giving us the chance to experience the Amazon’s animal “orchestra” while hopefully spotting some of its nocturnal wildlife, as well as seeing the glowing eyes of a caiman swimming in the dark right beside our boat!

During our outing, we’ll be able to take in the constant and enthralling sounds of chirping and singing from the nearby birds and insects as we’re surrounded by the ambience of nighttime on the Amazon.

This is a 1 hour private tour.


Hands–on Survival Techniques and Trekking in the Thick of the Amazon Rainforest (private tour)

Get ready for a most adventurous afternoon and dinner in the thick of the Amazon rainforest! We’ll spend an entire afternoon in the jungle, hiking and learning a wealth of hands–on jungle survival techniques from a team of former members of the Brazilian Military, specialized in jungle rescue operations. Our trained professional team leaders will take us on a hiking tour and will introduce us to jungle survival techniques, such as obtaining drinking water, making fire, differentiating edible plant species, setting up traps, building a shelter, and the Amazonian “peconha” technique to gather fruit from trees.

For dinner we’ll make a genuine Amazonian chicken and fish barbecue served with sides and fruits.

At the end of the evening, you can choose to have your night’s rest either back at the lodge, or on hammocks tied between trees, with canopies to protect yourselves in case of rain. (There is an ecological bathroom on site.)

This is a private tour for people of all ages (5 and up) and it’s designed to be safe and easygoing. The total hiking distance is normally around 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) but can be adapted to as little as 1200 feet (400 meters) or even less for guests with limited mobility. The tour, in sum, is designed for almost everyone and, although it is adventurous and exciting, it is certainly not challenging.

This tour starts in the afternoon. It includes dinner with non-alcoholic beverages.

Note: we’ve had guests of all ages (up to 81 years old!) do this tour with great enjoyment, and we highly recommend this experience. It can be done as easy as you prefer, and you can let your guides know on that very day. Also, sleeping over on the hammocks is optional and you can make this decision on that same evening during the tour.


A Unique Up-Close Experience with the Friendly Amazonian Pink Dolphins (private tour)

It’s time to head out on the Amazon river bound for an exciting encounter with the largest species of freshwater dolphin in the world: the Amazonian pink river dolphin! You’ll have the opportunity to dive in a shallow bank of the Amazonian Black River and enjoy an unique close-up experience around free and wild pink dolphins, known for their very friendly nature.

The professional caretaker will tell us about some of the unique features of this mammal, which is unique to the Amazon basin, and feed the dolphins while they swim next to us.

The transfer to the dolphin site is in a private boat with a private guide and takes approximately 90 minutes to get to the dolphins site and 1 hour to return, and the time spent with the dolphins is about 1 hour.

Witnessing the Unique Phenomenom of the Amazon River’s Unmixable Waters and Navigating on a Speedboat Through Amazonian Waters (private tour)

Get ready to discover one of the many amazing features of the largest river on Earth: the Amazon River, whose flow is even larger than the flow of the next eight largest rivers in the world combined!

We’ll hop on our boat for a full day exploration on the Amazon river. We’ll first navigate to the confluence of the two rivers that form the Amazon River: the pitch-black Rio Negro and the cream-colored Solimoes River. That confluence is known as “the meeting of the unmixable waters.” Due to a unique quirk of nature, the waters of these two tributary rivers flow side by side for about 8 miles (12 kilometers) without mixing, due to a large difference between the rivers’ flowing speeds and temperatures. The difference in color between the two rivers is so stark, in fact, that the two “unmixable” waters can even be distinguished from satellites orbiting in space!

This is a half day tour in a private speedboat with a private guide. It includes lunch without alcoholic beverages at a floating restaurant on the Amazon river, and comes right after the "Interacting with the Unique Amazonian Pink Dolphin " private tour.

A Fishing Adventure in Search of the Amazon’s Most Voracious Creature: the Piranha (private tour)

Grab your fishing pole and bait as we embark on a fishing adventure in the Amazon River in search of a fish famed for its aggressiveness and extremely sharp teeth: the piranha. Among the 2,200 species of fish living in the Amazon basin (more species than in all of the rivers of Europe combined!), piranhas have become the most famous due to their voracity. Due to their keen sense of smell for blood, they can attack at the scent of it, swarming by the thousands and stripping an animal to the bone in mere minutes!

Our expert guide will take us out in search of a good spot where he thinks we’ll have the best chances to fish piranhas and other species, while we take in the lush atmosphere of the surrounding Amazon river!

This is a 1 hour private tour.


A Taste of Amazon Life: an Amazon Dweller Shows Us His Traditions, Customs and Distinctive Perspective on Life (private tour)

It’s time hop on our boat and navigate down the Amazon river to visit one Caboclo (Amazon dweller). We’ll learn first-hand about the traditions, customs and distinctive perspective on life of a caboclo. We’ll learn about his life, customs, and how Caboclos make a living off the jungle that surrounds them. This is a unique chance to experience and interact with one of the locals that call the Amazon basin their home.

This is a 1 hour private tour.

Visiting a Wild Monkey Conservation Center (private tour)

We’ll set out on a boat to visit the facilities for rehabilitation and re-introduction of wild animals into their habitats (known as "the Monkey Forest"). This center was created in 1991, with the intention of receiving animals confiscated from illegal commerce. In this center, the animals are evaluated and taken care of by a team of veterinary doctors and biologists.

One of the species mostly present at the site is the “macaco barrigudo” (woolly monkey), which has a protected status as a result of abuse by illegal traders and their slow reproductive rate. You’ll also see wild monkeys, that come out every day for food, and maybe even some resident monkeys that live in the center, for rehabilitation purposes.

This is a 40 minutes private tour. The tour is not always available, because the reserve is sometimes depleted when monkeys are readapted to the wild.

A late checkout is included, you can use your room until 2 PM on your checkout date.

Transfer with private vehicle and group boat to Manaus airport. The approximate total transfer time is 1 hour (40 minutes by car and 20 by boat).

The normal check-out time at Amazon Ecopark Lodge is at 10:30 AM. However, your trip includes a late check-out at so you can use your room (depending on your flight departure time) until 2 PM, and the lodge's facilities until the airport transfer time.
We look forward to welcoming you again in Brazil!
IMPORTANT: The order of the activities in each destination can change depending on weather conditions or other circumstances.

Lodging for 12 nights Included


** In Fernando de Noronha, our Deluxe Category pricing does not include Deluxe category lodging, since none comply with our Deluxe standards. We are including for Fernando de Noronha in our Deluxe Category pricing what we call a "Comfort Plus" category lodging, which is somewhat nicer and thus more expensive than our Comfort category (usually it's a higher category room in our comfort category hotel).

* For this itinerary the Unique & Exclusive accommodation is only available in Rio de Janeiro, Fernando de Noronha and Salvador da Bahia. For The Amazon Rainforest the hotel included is the one mentioned in the deluxe category.

Meals Included

Meal included in Fernando de Noronha:
  • Fish & meat barbecue with non-alcoholic beverages in the "Serenity at Sunset: a Fernando de Noronha Boat Cruise" tour
Meals included in Salvador da Bahia:
  • Dinner without beverages in the "A Colorful and Enchanting Evening of Afro-Brazilian, Indigenous and
    Popular Dance and Folklore" tour
  • Lunch with non-alcoholic beverages at the "Walking Tour with Local Community Members, and Preparing and Enjoying Lunch Together" tour
Meals included in Amazon Rainforest:
  • Dinner with non-alcoholic beverages in the "Hands-on Survival Techniques and Trekking in the Thick of the Amazon Rainforest" tour
  • Lunch with 2 non-alcoholic beverages in the "Witnessing the Unique Phenomenon of the the Amazon River’s Unmixable Waters and Navigating on a Speedboat Through Amazonian Waters" tour
  • For your convenience we include for your stay 1 bottle of mineral water per person every day in your room at Amazon Ecopark Jungle Lodge. No other travel agency includes this for their guests.
  • 2 lunches with 2 non-alcoholic beverages per meal at Amazon Ecopark Lodge. Most travel agencies do not include the cost of the beverages for your meals, or even mention that they are not included. For your convenience, all your meals at Ecopark Lodge will include 2 non-alcoholic beverages per person.
    If your arrival at the lodge is before lunch time, then that lunch will also be included in your stay.
  • 3 dinners with 2 non-alcoholic beverages per meal at Amazon Ecopark Lodge. If your arrival at the lodge is before dinner time, then that dinner will also be included in your stay.
    The Lodge does not include dinner on the departure day. However, as you have a departure flight after dinner time, we have added an additional dinner service for you on your departure day at the lodge (includes 2 non-alcoholic beverages).
While Argentina is famous for its delicious steaks it also has a great variety of delicious vegetarian dishes!
All of our tours which include meals have vegetarian options available.

8 Airport Transfers Included

You will travel to and from airports in the privacy and comfort of your own vehicle,
so there will be no stops for other travelers and no waiting time.

Private airport transfers included in the following destinations:
  • In Rio de Janeiro: 2 private transfers
  • In Fernando de Noronha: 2 private transfers
  • In Salvador da Bahia: 2 private transfers
  • In Manaus (there is land transfer from the airport to the port, and a boat transfer to your lodge. The boat transfer is done in a group basis): 2 private land transfers & group boat transfers

Domestic Flights Duration & Route

We can take care of booking all the needed domestic flights for your trip.
All domestic flights we use are done on jet planes, we don't use propeller planes.

Flight Route Total Flight Duration
Rio de Janeiro to Fernando de Noronha4 hours and 40 minutes (there's no direct flight, so a connection is needed)
Fernando de Noronha to Salvador da Bahia3 hours and 45 minutes (there is no direct flight, so a connection is needed)
Salvador da Bahia to Manaus6 hours and 10 minutes (there is no direct flight, so a connection is needed)
Argentina Map

For a worry‑free travel experience, we strongly advise letting us take care of your domestic flights. It’s common for local airlines to make several flight changes before (and sometimes during) a trip. Taking care of domestic flights will allow us to closely monitor any flight changes, adapting your trip itinerary as needed.

Our flight issuing service includes: flights booking, daily tracking of flight status and changes, reconfirmation with the airline of each flight before each departure, booking of your flight seats, web check-in (not available for all flights) and assistance with your flights arrangements if there is any flight delay, change or cancellation before or during your trip.

Argentina is a very large country, the 8th largest in the world, in fact! As such, traveling by land is too time-consuming. For example, a bus ride from Buenos Aires to Iguazu takes about 18 hours (as opposed to 1 hour and 50 minutes by plane), and the bus ride from Buenos Aires to El Calafate takes about 40 hours (as opposed to 3 hours and 15 minutes by plane).

Price per Person in US Dollars
(does not include flights)


We're celebrating our 19th anniversary and 200 testimonials with a limited‑time 15% discount!
You can contact over 200 of our past guests, see their testimonials, full names, itineraries and trip photos.
This special offer is available for only the first 100 trip bookings received, and it will surely run out fast!

Comfort Category LodgingDeluxe Category Lodging
(except in Fernando de Noronha*)
Unique & Exclusive
Category Lodging
Double occupancy room:
$ 4,894 ($ 5,758)$ 5,563 ($ 6,545)$ 7,161 ($ 8,425)
Triple occupancy room:
$ 4,160 ($ 4,894)$ 4,597 ($ 5,408)$ 5,913 ($ 6,956)

Our prices above include all hotels, tours and airport transfers mentioned in this itinerary.

Discounts available for groups of 4 or more travelers. To get a quote for
4 or more travelers or for a single traveler, click here and fill out the form

Our prices do not include international or domestic airfare.
Our prices are final, you won’t have to pay anything extra no matter what payment method you use.
We accept all major credit cards.

Looking for the most exclusive and luxurious rooms and tour experiences?
Ask Fred to design a Platinum Category itinerary for you!

* In Fernando de Noronha, our Deluxe Category pricing does not include Deluxe category lodging, since none comply with our Deluxe standards. We are including for Fernando de Noronha in our Deluxe Category pricing what we call a "Comfort Plus" category lodging, which is somewhat nicer and thus more expensive than our Comfort category (usually it's a higher category room in our comfort category hotel).

** For this itinerary the Unique & Exclusive accommodation is only available in Rio de Janeiro, Fernando de Noronha and Salvador da Bahia. For The Amazon Rainforest the hotel included is the one mentioned in the deluxe category.

We accept Paypal Credit: finish paying your trip up to 4 months after your trip starting date, paying no interest or fees.


The total price for all 3 domestic flights needed for this trip starts at $ 483 per person, subject to availability at the time of booking.
Our airfares include a luggage allowance of 1 carry-on and 1 piece of checked luggage, and also they allow reserving seats in advance, at no additional cost. Most airfares for domestic flights in Argentina don't include allowance for checked baggage nor the possibility to book seats with anticipation, but we always book airfares that allow these. Also, we use flexible airfares which allow us to make any needed flight changes (with no additional cost if the new airfare booked is not higher than the issued airfare).
This is a promotional rate, please note that regular airfares can be significantly higher. This means that the sooner you book your trip, the greater our chances of booking this, or similar, airfare.
As soon as we receive your feedback about your itinerary we'll check for flights availability and let you know which are the best flights for your trip and which is the lowest airfare available.

Prices for domestic flights depend exclusively on their availability at the time of booking, usually with much lower rates available for flights booked well in advance. So the sooner you book your trip, the lower the airfare you'll pay (the most expensive airfares are a lot higher than the most promotional ones).
As soon as we receive your feedback about your itinerary we'll check for flights availability and let you know which are the best flights for your trip and which is the lowest airfare available.

For your comfort and peace of mind, we can take care of booking your domestic flights for you. Our services include: checking for all possible flight options to suggest the best flight itinerary and rate for your trip, flight bookings and issuing, daily tracking of flight status and changes, reconfirmation with the airline of each flight before each departure, booking of your flight seats, web check-in (not available for all flights) and assistance with your flight arrangements if there is any delay, change or cancellation before or during your trip.

Letting us take care of your domestic flight arrangements will let you enjoy a worry‑free travel experience, as it is very common for local airlines to make flight changes before (and sometimes during) a trip.

NOTE: All services are subject to availability and subject to price modifications until the trip booking is requested and confirmed.

Our Renowned Travel Booklet

We will provide you with the perfect travel companion: our renowned Travel Booklet!
This one-of-a-kind sidekick is full of useful information and personalized tips,
to help you make the most out of your trip experience.

"I received the Travel book and it is absolutely the best trip plan that I have received in over 40 years of traveling. Not only are the daily trips described, but the essential data travelers seek as climate, clothing and phone contact numbers are included. Wonderful job." - Mitch Samuelson and Joan Raskin

"The travel booklet was beyond helpful, from the restaurant recommendations to the tipping guidelines, to the suggested clothes to bring. They answered all our questions before we even had them." - Sophia Yuen & Liza Chau

"The customized booklet prepared for us was with us every step of the way. What a terrific source of information from places to eat and shop, to hints on tipping, etc." - Neal & Barbara Eisner

"The Travel Booklet was the best travel tool ever. I cannot think of any way to improve this excellent hand guide book." - Joan McGirr

"The travel booklet had all sorts of additional important information and recommendations for shopping and dining. I had never seen anything like this before and it proved to be very helpful resource throughout our trip." - Neill Allen and Nancy Van Gelder

"The travel booklet was excellent and it had all the information we needed for the trip so there was no need to do extensive research" - Irina Mindel & Mitchell Olshansky

In your Travel Booklet you'll find lots of useful information and tips personalized for your specific trip itinerary such as:

Contact information for our local assistance team, who will go above and beyond in providing you with prompt, precise and meaningful assistance during your trip.


Day-by-day itinerary with detailed tour descriptions, pick-up times, etc.


Our favorite restaurant suggestions for each visited destination.


Full information about your hotels: addresses & phones, check-in / check-out times, distance to downtown and to airport, Wi-Fi availability, etc.


Detailed weather information for your travel dates and destinations, such as average rainfall and minimum and maximum temperatures expected.


Our clothing suggestions for each destination in addition to specific suggestions for some tours.


All the information you'll need for your flights: airline and flight number, flight times, luggage weight limits, cost for extra weight, available mileage programs, etc.


Taking your mobile phone to Argentina, how to dial to and from every destination, etc.


Helpful tips and other useful information to make the most out of your vacation: time zones, pointers on currency exchange, tipping, advice on museums & art galleries of note, useful info to make the most out of your free time, shopping tips, electricity & voltage information, etc.


All the necessary travel vouchers for your trip.

The Travel Booklet is designed and sent to you after full trip payment has been made. We will send you a printed version via FedEx, as well as a digital version via e-mail. Many guests download their digital version to their mobile phone (iPhone, Android, etc.) or tablet, which they bring on their trip.

Also Included in the Trip Price


All taxes for the ground services are included


To provide a worry‑free trip experience we include all the necessary entrance tickets to national parks, as well as all other tour-related fees, which are sometimes not included or even mentioned by other travel agencies.

Rio de Janeiro
  • Admission ticket to the Corcovado mountain for the tour "The ’Christ the redeemer’ Statue, Tijuca Tropical Forest, Rio’s Historic Center and Off-the-Beaten-Path Explorations" tour
  • Admission tickets to the Sugarloaf Cable Car for the tour "A Cable Car Ascent to the Sugarloaf Mountain and its Astounding Panoramic Views" tour
Fernando de Noronha
  • Snorkeling gear (mask, fins and lifejacket) for the "Discovering the Best Beaches in the World and Snorkeling in a Unique Oasis for Marine Life" tour
  • Snorkeling gear (mask, fins and lifejacket) for the "Navigating the beauty of Fernando de Noronha and Discovering its Unique Marine Wildlife" tour
Amazon Rainforest
  • The normal check-out time at Amazon Ecopark Lodge is at 10:30 AM. However, your trip includes a late check-out at so you can use your room (depending on your flight departure time) until 2 PM, and the lodge's facilities until the airport transfer time.

Not Included in the Trip Price


International airfare to and from Argentina is not included.


Domestic flights for this trip are quoted separately from ground services. Prices for domestic flights depend exclusively on flight availability at the time of booking, with much lower rates available for flights booked well in advance. This means that the sooner you book your trip, the lower the airfare will likely be.

The total price for all 3 domestic flights needed for this trip starts at $ 483 per person, subject to availability at the time of booking.
Our airfares include a luggage allowance of 1 carry-on and 1 piece of checked luggage, and also they allow reserving seats in advance, at no additional cost. Most airfares for domestic flights in Argentina don't include allowance for checked baggage nor the possibility to book seats with anticipation, but we always book airfares that allow these. Also, we use flexible airfares which allow us to make any needed flight changes (with no additional cost if the new airfare booked is not higher than the issued airfare).
This is a promotional rate, please note that regular airfares can be significantly higher. This means that the sooner you book your trip, the greater our chances of booking this, or similar, airfare.
As soon as we receive your feedback about your itinerary we'll check for flights availability and let you know which are the best flights for your trip and which is the lowest airfare available.

Prices for domestic flights depend exclusively on their availability at the time of booking, usually with much lower rates available for flights booked well in advance. So the sooner you book your trip, the lower the airfare you'll pay (the most expensive airfares are a lot higher than the most promotional ones).
As soon as we receive your feedback about your itinerary we'll check for flights availability and let you know which are the best flights for your trip and which is the lowest airfare available.

For your comfort and peace of mind, we can take care of booking your domestic flights for you. Our services include: checking for all possible flight options to suggest the best flight itinerary and rate for your trip, flight bookings and issuing, daily tracking of flight status and changes, reconfirmation with the airline of each flight before each departure, booking of your flight seats, web check-in (not available for all flights) and assistance with your flight arrangements if there is any delay, change or cancellation before or during your trip.

Letting us take care of your domestic flight arrangements will let you enjoy a worry‑free travel experience, as it is very common for local airlines to make flight changes before (and sometimes during) a trip.


Tips to hotel staff, tour guides, etc.


Visa issuing expenses to visit the Brazilian side of the Iguazu Falls. Travelers who have passports from the following countries do not require a visa to visit the Brazilian side of the Iguazu Falls: United States*, Canada*, Andorra, Argentina, Australia*, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hong Kong (with English passport), Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Morocco, Namibia, Netherlands, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, San Marino, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Surinam, Sweden, Switzerland, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, the Vatican and Venezuela.

*IMPORTANT: Brazil has recently announced the reinstatement of tourist visa requirements for visitors from the USA, Canada, and Australia. Originally scheduled to take effect in April 2024, this policy change has now been postponed and is set to be implemented on April 2025.
We provide full assistance to our guests in the Brazil visa application process, ensuring a worry-free experience.


Anything not expressly mentioned in this itinerary proposal. Also, please note that the following items are not included:

Fernando de Noronha
  • There's a fee charged in Fernando de Noronha by the Municipal Government for staying on the island. At the time of this quote, it is about $20 US Dollars per day per visitor.
  • The Fernando de Noronha National Park authority charges an environmental conservation fee that, at the time of this quote, is about $60 US Dollars per adult, for a 10-day maximum stay. Kids 11 or younger are exempt. As this and the above fees are paid on-site, your private guide will take you to the payment stands either upon your arrival on the island or before your first tour.

How Our Booking Process Works

The trip booking process generally takes from 3 to 5 business days. Once all services are booked, we will send you an invoice with the trip booking confirmation and payment instructions. If your trip start date is in fewer than 60 days, we’ll request a full trip payment. If not, we’ll request a first payment of 25% to 35% of the total trip cost, with final payment due 60 days before your trip start date.
We accept all major credit cards (we use Paypal as a credit card processor but you won't need a Paypal account to make your credit card payment), bank wire transfers or check deposits. Our prices are final, you won't have to pay anything extra no matter what payment method you use.

Important: If you use PayPal account as your payment method, they are running a promotion called "PayPal credit", where you’ll have up to 6 months to complete the payment of your trip (without any interest or extra fees). You can choose to apply during the payment process and your application will be subject to their approval. This is a great way to finance your trip payment, without any extra cost.
For more details please visit: https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/paypal-credit

Our Trip Cancellation Policy

Domestic flights have a 80% penalty if cancelled, but as we book flexible airfares, they can be changed if needed for future dates with no penalty as long as the same airfare is available for the new dates (if not we can change them with no change penalty but paying for the airfare difference).

For all ground service payments which have already been made, at the time we receive written notice that you must cancel your trip, the following fees will be charged:

  • » When only the first payment has been made: up to 25% cancellation fee over the ground services first payment will apply.
  • » After your total payment has been made and you cancel 45 days or more prior to your trip starting date: up to 40% cancellation fee over the total payment will apply.
  • » After your total payment has been made and you cancel 36 to 45 days before the start date of the trip: up to 60% cancellation fee over total payment is applicable.
  • » After your total payment has been made and you cancel 20 to 35 days before the start date of the trip: up to 80 % cancellation fee over total payment is applicable.
  • » After your total payment has been made and you cancel 19 days before the trip starting date, or later: there will be no right to refunds.

We’ll always try our best to get as much of a refund as possible, depending on the trip cancellation date, and the conditions of the service suppliers.

Refunds will only be issued to you once we have received the funds back from the supplier(s). Generally, flight tickets cannot be refunded if they are partially used. We are not responsible for a supplier’s failure to pay a refund.

If the reason for your cancellation is covered under the terms of your travel insurance policy, you may be able to claim these cancellation charges through your insurance company.